Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Facebook and other addictions

Hello! This will be my virgin attempt at blogging (which actually sounds like a body function, doesn't it?). I LOVE all the inspirational, funny, and political posts on Facebook! What I don't like is cruelty...I don't like it when posts are insulting...whether it be to my candidate or his opponent. If you want to win the race, don't lie to me...give it to me straight and honestly so I can make an HONEST informed decision. I don't like mean-ness...that's not to say I'm not mean...because...hey...I'm human and sometimes things are just too stupid to pass up! But...for the most part, I believe kindness is the way to go...it doesn't cost anything, but the benefits are tremendous!

I love the inspirational postings...they don't always strike a chord in me, but there are times when I know of a friend (or friends) that could use that extra 'boost'. I am a Christian...my faith is important to me, but I'm not going to force my views on you. What I will do is share my faith and my beliefs...if it's too 'church-y' for you...that's okay, just skim over that part...I'll try to give you a heads-up when we're heading into those calm waters.

This blog is definitely a work in progress...I'm going to attempt to make it more of my own and not quite so sterile...be patient.

Have a wonderful day...even if the sun isn't shining in your part of the world...it's surely shining somewhere...so, close your eyes for a second and think of a sunny spot...did you feel your heart glow?? Mine did....